Oxnard Appliance Repair Specialists

1650 E Gonzales Rd #192, Oxnard, CA 93036

Are you looking for quality appliance repair in Oxnard CA?
Don't wait - call now!
(805) 209-0115 we're open 7 days a week, 8AM - 8PM

Refrigerator Repair in Oxnard CA - (805) 209-0115

Problems with your fridge?

Most refrigerator repair tasks involve digging deep inside the appliance. Don't attempt any repairs yourself unless you have the tools and experience. If it's a minor issue, you could get away with doing a little maintenance work instead of having to buy and replace any refrigerator parts.

For example, a fan could get clogged and prevent heat from getting pushed out of the unit properly -- clean it out and everything should work perfectly again. Any serious problem are best left with a professional that offers refrigerator repair in Oxnard CA. That way you can rest easy knowing the problem will actually get figured out and you won't have to worry about trying to repair the fridge again later on down the road.

If you aren't sure who to call, we are proud to be one of the most-recognized companies offering refrigerator repair in Oxnard CA. Give us a chance and have one of our Oxnard CA based experts identify why your refrigerator isn't working right. Then we can get an estimate for the refrigerator parts you need and write out a quote for you.

Before calling, also consider how much you would like to budget for your refrigerator repair. Those that are financially stable are better off replacing the fridge if the repair is costly and there's little life left to the appliance even after the repair. Yet many customers over-estimate the cost of appliance repairs going into them, and some give them a 'bad rep' because a previous Oxnard CA repair service failed them.

We charge our Oxnard refrigerator repair clients fairly; we ding you for what we pay out for refrigerator parts in Oxnard CA then our labor charge. You don't have to pay for any extras, such as your 'diagnostics charge' if a repair is actually done.

Helpful Appliance Repair Tips

Had your fridge in storage and now it won't power up? If so, the first thing you should do is observe to see if the compressor is on when it's plugged in. You can put your hand on the condenser coil, which would warm up if the compressor is operational. Most often, a refrigerator fails to start up because of a dead overload relay. There could also be problems with the start capacitor or the start relay. Worst case scenario, the compressor needs replaced -- at which point, you must consider just replacing the whole unit.


Oxnard Appliance Repair Specialists

1650 E Gonzales Rd #192, Oxnard, CA 93036

(805) 209-0115
Hours of operation
we're open 7 days a week, 8AM - 8PM
Current Offers and Discounts
$10 discount with any repair
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